I have had an ultrasound on one leg yesterday and told that I have a faulty valve which is not closing as it should, permitting blood to trickle back down the vein when it should be closed. I have a referral to a Dr, but can t get an appointment for over a month. I have an appointment with my GP (referring Dr), but can t get an appointment for over a week. My question is: What is best treatment, what is best management (for me) i.e. should I exercise of not? should I keep it with compression bandage or not? If so, only during the day or 24 hrs? Should I keep leg elevated when possible or not? I have never had any issues with varicose veins in the past. Legs are prickling, cold/burning, uncomfortable but not really painful. I AM DISAPPOINTED THAT YOU WOULD ADVERTISE GET FREE AND THEN YOU GO TO PAY MONEY NOW I WONT DO IT.