Thanks for contacting with your health concern
1. An ordinary cough with cold is the commonest symptom seen in general practice and because the symptoms have not subsided even after 3 days so it is wise to
Consult a Pediatrician or your
primary care provider regarding complete physical examination and necessary investigations, don't change or start any medicine yourself without first consulting with your attending Doctor/specialist.
PS. Consult an
ENT specialist [for quick visual examination of the throat] and for any necessary investigation(s)
2. Hb%, WBC for eosinophilia
. X-ray chest for TB, Pneumonia
PS. The choice of antibiotic will vary from doctor to doctor, and from locality to locality.
3. Till then:
i. Steam Inhalations 3-4 times a day.
ii. Warm salt water gargles. [gargle with honey water]
iii. avoidance of allergens [dust/cold drinks]
iv. take a diet rich in
vitamin C (Citrus fruits) and
vitamin E which are rich in antioxidants and thus helps in improvement of Thymus function (associated with Immunity.)
v. Avoid Heavy, slimy and acidic food, curd, mustard oil, excess physical exertion, sunlight-dust areas, exposure to strong winds, day sleeping, smoking, potato, green leafy vegetables. Cold water/food