Hi, I am a 53 year old female and I hit my head on the edge of the table last Monday - I backed up to the stability ball and tripped backward over it, hitting my head on the lower right side. I got a slight headache, did not feel anything in the place I hit it, the place I hit it felt sore only next day. I went to work next few days, having that slight headache Tuesday and Wednesday, but also losing appetite. Wednesday night I felt throbbing pain over my right ear, but it quickly passed. Thursday morning I woke up with a sore right ear, as if I slept with it folded (I did not) and nauseous and I felt worse the whole day, dizzy and generally not well. In the evening I went to the emergency at the hospital, where I got a fast physical evaluation, checking my reflexes and telling the doctor how I felt. Based on that I was diagnosed with mild concussion. The drive home from the hospital seemed very bumpy - I felt every bump in my head, and once at home I notices clear liquid from my nose - twice, each time when I bent over to do something. Not much, just like leaky nose, but completely clear and just leaking out. I stayed home the next 4 days, yesterday and today feeling at times much better, at times dizzy again, no headache, just sometimes feeling as if hot rush came over my head and stayed there for a while. I was planning to go to work tomorrow, but now I am wondering, if I should go back to the doctor for re-evaluation. Also, I have a business trip scheduled for next Monday, involving about 2 hr. flight and I am not sure if it is safe (the doctor at the emergency told me it is). I would really appreciate your comment and recommendation.