dear user
these symptoms of
constipation and diarrhea refers to viral or bacterial infection of your intestine that need investigations......
infection of the intestine has many causal factors according to history of begining of symptoms the cause almost detected.....
it is better for you to do
blood test and
widal test and the most important test in this case is stool culture test ...
stool culture test is very helpfyl to detect type of infection as you may get infected with amoeba or salmonnela typhi or shigella or compylobacter bacteria or that should be managed with antibacterial drugs to get out your worry....
the first step of management is to know the causative organism as the most common cause of these symptoms is
salmonella that cause typhoid disease....
you shouldnot get worry or stressed of these symptoms as stress will impair your immunity and cause symptoms to get worse....
you should administer plenty of fluids and rice soup and tea with little suger that helps improvement and do stool culture to detect cause and treatment begin simply......
if widal test give diagnostic results you should take
ciprofloxacin for treatment of typhoid
i hope that helped you....
wish you healthy life