Hello Dear. Some cases of dementia are caused by medical conditions that can be treated, and treatment can restore some or all mental function. But most of the time, dementia cannot be reversed.
Sometimes treating the cause of dementia helps the dementia. For example, the person might:
1. Take vitamins for a deficiency of
vitamin B12.
2. Take thyroid hormones for
3. Have surgery to remove a
brain tumor or to reduce pressure on the brain.
4. Stop or change medicines that are causing
memory loss or confusion.
5. Take medicines to treat an infection, such as
6. Take medicine to treat
7. Get treatment for reversible conditions caused by AIDS.
Palliative care is a kind of care for people who have a serious illness. It's different from care to cure the illness. Its goal is to improve a person's quality of life-not just in body but also in mind and spirit.
1. Tips to help the person be independent and manage daily life as long as possible.
2. Medicine. While medicines cannot cure dementia, they may help improve mental function, mood, or behavior.
3. Support and counseling. A diagnosis of dementia can create feelings of anger, fear, and anxiety. A person in the early stage of the illness should seek emotional support from family, friends, and perhaps a counselor experienced in working with people who have dementia.
Hope i have answered your question. Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions. I ll be glad to help you.
All the best
With warm regards
Dr Sanjay Kini