I had the flu from Mid January through Feb. When I got rid of the bug, my head felt full and I wound up with a clogged right ear. My ENT doctor had to put a hole through my eardrum and place a tube to drain the fluids behind the eardrum. This has been going on for 2 weeks now, but I now have an infection which he is treating with antibiotic ear drops for the last 7 days with no results. My hearing is minimal and whatever I do hear, which is not much, is very muffled. I also have hot flashes on and off all day ..... I m getting concerned that I have a bigger problem and may need additional testing. I am a 71 year old male. I had prostate cancer 8 years ago and had my prostate removed. I also had my gall bladder removed about 10 years ago. ANY SUGGESTIONS ? SORRY, I THOUGHT THIS SERVICE WAS FREE ...... NO THANK YOU.