Hi, I have excessive sweating and odor underneath my arm since 9th grade I m 31 now. Recently, I took apple cider vinegar and the odor got worst. I read online that activated chorcoal can stop excessice sweating, so I took it. In a few days, I noticed the sweating was worst, so I stop the activated chorcoal. Now, I sweat every where my underarms, forehead, back of neck, back of knee caps, vagina, back and scalp. For some reason my odor is worst, it smells like onions, mold, musty, and a weird smell. Also, my pee smells like nickels and I get and weird taste in my mouth. I dont know if there s something wrong with my lymphatic system, hormones, or ph balance. Also, the viginal sweat didn t start until I receive the depo shot( birth control). I have been to so many doctors since 9th grade, and I m always told that i have hyperhidrosis. I have use drysol, botox, and home remedies and nothing. works. For a while, I gave up on doctors because their always giving me the same things that don t work or telling me to use deodorant and take baths for the odor. I have always use deodorant and bathe but still have sweating and odor. I was so in need of help that i went to a few psychics for help. One didn t know want the problem was and the other one said it could be my lymphatic. system. Now, I m here looking for answers.