Thanks for contacting with your health concern.
1. Consult your attending physician/
rheumatologist for the condition, as he may also exclude aggravating factors which might cause an acute attack of gout-like:
. being
overweight, having
high cholesterol or any ongoing inflammatory disease.
. any use of medicines taken for
high blood pressure.
. having a sedentary lifestyle and taking food rich in proteins like meat, wine, pulses.
. In some patients due to some kidney problem, there is seen a rise in uric acid, thus please check with your kidney function test (urea &
2. Take old rice,moong-arhar-masoor dal, white gourd, carrot, light exercise, lukewarm water,garlic-ginger mixed buttermilk.
- Avoid horse gram, peas, radish, curd,spicy-sour and heavy food, mushroom, turnip, daytime sleeping, excess physical exertion, black gram, sesame, meat, alcohol, excess grief.