My 16 yo daughter is experiencing hair loss & thinning, acne on face & back, periodic abdominal pain & constipation and has puffy eyes. PCOS has been ruled out by pediatric endocrinologist. The only slightly elevated lab test results are: Serum Ferritin, Serum Glucose, A/G Ratio, and Calcium/Creatinine Ratio. Because I have an autoimmune issue (APAS), had lymphoma and was a fertility patient due to the APAS and we have another child with special needs (autism, ADHD, Tourette s & microcephaly), I am pretty on top of health issues. My instinct is that something is underlying the hair loss, etc. Any suggestions about what pediatric specialty might help get to the bottom of my child s symptoms? Her weight is normal, menstruation normal, no undue stress or alarming behaviors. Thank you.