Hi Dear User ! I have gone through your questions and I understand your concern !
If I were your treating doctor first I would check if there is a primary cause of the
high blood pressure .Usually in this age the
hypertension is caused by
kidney problems ,
thyroid ,or may be due to
high cholesterol.The treatment will be different according to the main cause( if you have ) .
So I suggest to check your kidneys, cholesterol levels, thyroid hormone levels.
If there is no main cause , you can try to decrease blood pressure with your diet and physical activity.
You have what we call stage 1 of hypertension, it's a chance that can be back to normal without medication. ( And if I were your treating doctor I would start with that)
The lifestyle changes consist of:
-Physical activity at least 30 min /day
reduce weight
-a diet with low fat,low calcium and salt..eat fruit ,vegetables, and food with high kalium and
-Monitor your blood pressure 3 times a day
If the blood pressure don't come back to normal in 1 month I would advice to start medication.
Only your treating doctor has the right to stop of change the way of treatment so before you stop the medication ask your local doctor .
Wish you good health.
Thank you for using HCM.