Thanks for contacting with your health concern
1. Bloody hemorrhoids means there are swollen veins due to increased pressure inside the lower
rectum, so part from management we have to look for any associated risk factor(s) for the same like:
. obesity.
. low fibre diet.
. chronic diarrhea/
. straining during bowel movements, and if present manage them accordingly, so consult either with your
primary care provider or with a general suregon, and till next appointment incorporate following methods to alleviate the symptoms:
. hot hip bath: sit in a tub of warm water for 10 minutes [2 times a day]
. do not strain while passing stool,and use warm water or wet toilet paper but without perfume or alcohol(without soap) to clean your anus after each motion
. avoid cold/tap/jet (western seat) water.
. taking amla &
aloe vera juice will help in cleansing the liver to speed up the
. In Ayurveda we hold Piles to be due to low digestive fire and since butter milk has digestive properties you can take it along with ingredients like asafoetida, coriander leaves, ginger, currey leaves and sea salt to enhance its digestion-aiding properties.