The ingrown toe nails, particularly recurrent ones, is a very common condition involving the toes, usually big toe. The reasons of this condition are generally.
- Wearing ill fitting tight shoes, which exert pressure on the nails resulting them to in grow in the skin and
soft tissue.
- Trimming the nails too short, causing a direct pressure on the nails, resulting in their penetration in skin.
- Trimming the nails in a curved fashion to match with the curve of toe, resulting in penetration of nail corners in the skin.
To avoid the condition of in growing nails, one should:
- Use roomy shoes, which are not tight enough to exert pressure on nails.
- Do not trim your nails too short.
- Do not trim the corners of nails in a curved fashion. Trim the nails straight and not in line with curvature of toe.
- Keep the toes dry and clean.
For treating the condition of
ingrown nail, use
home remedies like:
- Soaking the foot in soapy warm water or Epsom salt twice daily.
- Keeping the foot dry and clean most of the times.
- Keeping a soft cotton or dental floss between skin and nail by gently lifting the nail
- Using an antibiotic dressing on the affected toe.
- Use of OTC anti pain or anti- inflammatory to reduce swelling and pain.
If the above home remedies do not work or pain and discomfort become more, then you may be advised to see the doctor for prescription of anti-biotic, if needed and also for
surgical treatment of the condition, if required.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Satnarain Bansal, General & Family Physician