Hello ! for many years i have dreams what make me very tired after i wake up for the whole day . Dreams are like i m living another life on the night. I have family, pets, job witch is not easy . In my dreams , i own a restaurant for many years now, in another century ,very stressful business . employees steal , i m working hard, cleaning the chicken the floors, the windows, cooking ,etc . When i get home i have a very big family what i m doing same chores for. i work in my dreams maybe 18 hours. In my real life i don t have a big family . Just me and a son who don t leave with me , hi is 31 ,have own life .So i suppose to have a easy life but when i wake up , i am so tired , i can t put myself together to go to work . I own a business here to and i have responsibilities.I m sleepy the whole day and my body hurt me . I don t take any medication all my life . Just vitamins : b12 ,a,e,c The whole day i remember the dream very clearly and i have plans and look forward to go back to sleep to continue my work . I almost live more there than here . i don t have sleep problem , i sleep very fast and deep . The wired think , the dream continue from where stop every time for so many years. I fell living a double life . My question is; This is normal? I have a mentally problem ? When i was young , was easy to handle both lifes Now i am almost 50 and very tired . I don t know family medical history because i am an orphan , don t know my family . Thank s anticipate for reading this. I never tell to nobody about my dreams. I m just too tired now. Mari D.