Dear Doctor, I have broken front teeth which got rebalanced recently by a good dentist after they got maltreated by a bad dentist. Aside from that I also have inwards growing teeth, because I have been playing trumpet for a while. The crookedness is causing changes in the way I eat and I cannot put my teeth together anymore. The teeth do not touch correctly anymore and they are now also affecting the balance in my mouth; sometimes my mouth begins watering for no reason and I feel off balance on occasion and nauseous. I read about a solution called invisalign, but there was one dentist from Harvard who had a really big mouth towards me; he refused to treat me unless he got to pull three front teeth etc. He also claimed that I would never be able to handle corrections on my teeth because he had a client who could not adapt his embouchure to an overbite correction and he compared me to that client. He was a pathetic man, claiming invisalign was nothing but a piece of plastic. I simply wish to look- and feel better and am very well trained for resetted embouchures, because my teeth broke more than once, using the Berklee schillinger and zero pressure method. I have also had very good teachers and can adapt to many different situations. But I am looking for a biological solution and not enhancements because I know that the human being is already in balance with itsself, it is supposed to be like that. The human being is supposed to be at peace and balance with itsself and within the comfort zone; doctors can help bring the human being into the comfort zone.