I have tried many anti depressants, ssri and drugstore Cymbalta and pristine pail Zoloft etc tramadol elavil Parkdale.been on Lamortigine for well over a decade with 1 mg. of clonzapam 4x pen. Also n anti psychotic years ago Serequel Gedom. Very bad side efftc. Could not find lake in them. I lost my dad calm st four years ago and this has affected me deeply. My mother and sister do not want help me by simply being supportive, compared Nguyen to my husband me and one check on me. They don t. I rarely leave my heart me, forget to eat, or don t feel like it.I isolate muscled n my room and just exist. I had tried to take my own life because making Nguyen deep cuts n wrist. I lost st my psychiatrist, who I was very far nd of, around the time of his passing. They, the group of psychiatrist, sent me to his replacement. He was rude and nasty but of me. Nothing email shy or compassionately n shown. He Ord d ECT three that mrs a week for two and then two more the following week. That arrangement fell through the cracks. I met with you he doctors to hat were going to do it. They all agreed that I m an ideal candidate based upon my past history. I have most f the symptoms of a major depressive disorder. The new psychiatrist I am seeing - only once_ gave me 30 mg.of generic Cymbalta. I don t think she was listens Nguyen to me. I told her most of this and she augmented my rlamortiginee, which probably s not working anymore. What do you suggest I do.