I have had pain for my entire life. As a child, jumping off something onto the floor killed the balls of my feet. Hard floors make my heels swell. Did not occur to me at age 16 that it didn t hurt normal people to pump gas. Now, at age 48, if I sit still for 20 minutes, I start to solidify (for lack of a better word.) I stiffen, and movement is painful. (Even things like holding a cup of coffee or a phone or propped up on my elbow!) Is not just the joints, the muscles at all of my contact points (when sitting, lying) ache as well. A belt too tight causes itching and swelling, shoes too tight actually hobble me. And when I wake, it s almost as if it takes a few minutes for my feet to become foot shaped again. Yoga, movement, and dance, coupled with massage and physical therapy helps. I cannot take drugs, (stomach issues,) but am keen to know what is going on (to make diet, lifestyle, and self-care changes.) Figured with 49 years experience, you might know what I m dealing with. (All these kids want to do is throw drugs at you.) Thanks Doc! - Trisha