Thanks for contacting with your health concern
1. as there is a history of Injury with pain around the
rib cage, thus following should be the symptomwise approach:
i.Think of fractured rib.
ii. Think of
costochondritis, very common anteriorly
iii. Think of muscle sprain
. If by adopting
- hot water fomentation
- rest with minimal movements
- chest strapping
- intercostal nerve block
- taking an
analgesic, anti-inflammatory enzymes, and
muscle relaxant, the pain goes away continue with the same, however, if the pain is not relieved ask for Hb%, WBC, ESR & X-ray Chest
2. pain could be a pleural pathology. [ask for chest X-ray to exclude
pleuritis, pleural effusion]
3. Although percocet [oxycodone/paracetamol] is approved by FDA as an over the counter [OTC] drug, make sure to consult a chest specialist who will go for systemic examination and if any chest signs are present will ask for imaging scans of chest with Hb%, WBC, ESR and then will provide proper management [as they can ask more detailed questions on associated symptoms]