My daughter just called my from college and said her wrist was aggressively twisted last night. Today, it is painful to move and turn in all directions, as well as hurts to lift even a plate. There is no obvious signs of bruising at this time. On a scale of 1-10, her pain level is 3 (and she has a higher tolerance for pain as a previous year-round soccer player). We would like to have it looked at, however, since it is Sunday, I cannot reach anyone at our Health Insurance Company-Humana, and we just had to go onto the Marketplace Plan Feb 1, since our COBRA insurance through my spouse ran out bc of his Medicare election. So, learning curve is fun! Could you possibly help with whether this is something urgent enough to require immediate attention so not to run into chronic, ongoing problems, which I would have her go to the emergency room? Or is this probably something that could wait a day until I can reach someone at Humana to direct us where she can go within our plan. Though, she is confident that it is not broken, we are both concerned about either dislocation or a tendon/ligament issue. Her health and well-being are more important than coverage, of course. However, if there is no chance of complications or future issues, we are trying to make the best decision of the timing to be seen. If it ended up dislocated or a ligament or tendon were pulled or torn, even slightly, would any additional waiting time to be seen cause a problem with treatment? Thank you for any help you can suggest.