i think my toe it broken. At soccer practice yesterday, I can’t remember if I got stepped on or went into a tackle, but i know somethings wrong with my big toe. When i started driving home, my big toe got all tingly, it hurt t apply pressure, and there was bruising. I got home and iced it for 20min, and have had pain ever since. I woke up at 1:45am this morning because my toe has just been in constant pain (it almost feels like a constant growing pain). my symptoms are: bruising, tingliness(just yesterday), constant pain, stiffness, there was a burning sensation about an hour ago, tenderness, swelling, and hurts to put weight on jt. I don’t want to go to the doctor if there is nothing that they can do about it, and spend the unnecessary money. The problem is i have soccer games/tournaments this weekend and for the next couple of weekends and i have college coaches coming to watch me. I dont care what they can do, i just want to be healed in the fastest way possible whether jt be a cast, boot or whatever. thank you