Thanks for posting in HCM.
I have read your description and understand your concern.
Haemorrhoids which you are having can not be presently managed conservatively. You can take Tablet.
Ibuprofen, which is an
analgesic medication will help to overcome pain. Glycerine ointment application will help to soothe the part.
The following measures can be taken additionally:
1. Local application Lignocaine gel, which would help to anaesthetise the area and relieve pain.
2. Taking
stool softener like Isapgol Husk powder dissolved in water twice daily to relieve and prevent
3. Consuming soft and easily digestible foods, drinking good quantity of water and eating fruits and vegetables rich in dietary fibres.
By adopting to above measures, you may get relieved of symptoms temporarily. It would advisable to undergo 'cryosurgery' and hence, you need to consult Surgeon in this regard for clinical evaluation and appropriate management.
Hope the information provided would be helpful.
All the best.