Yes, I am a male at age 41, I am experiencing bleeding from what I believe to be a tear in the lining of the penis between the shaft and tip where pee exits. You may want to know that as a child from recurring UTI S and trouble urinating I underwent an operation to enlarge the urinary tract in the shaft and to enlarge the hole where pee exits altogether. Hopefully you are familiar with this approach and its after effects. I assume what I am experiencing is one of them. There is not a typical bloody urine situation because it will bleed despite urination from the injury I inflicted. What occurred has occurred before and is this: from forcing pee out fast without being patient I believe the inside of the lining of the urinary tract in my shaft area is dry and sticks together from soap sometimes getting in there during a post-sex shower. Each other time, and it has happened over time with or without sex I think where soap has gotten in, it healed within a day or two and because it happens often enough and is not a significant amoutnt of blood I was never very worried. Recently (last night) I caused a significant tear I believe because (a) I felt it, and (b) I experienced more significant bleeding. Actual dripping of blood requiring me to wrap up until it ceased. What lubricant if any can i use to help what I am experiencing, what can i do to aid speedy and healthy healing, and is this common or at least have you heard of such before.