Hello Doc. I am a 45yr. old male. I have been diag. with neuropathy in both legs from just above the knees down. I am a recovering alcoholic, I haven t been drinking in 1yr. I had to check myself into a V.A. rehab, because of the expense. the Dr. there had me on 18 types of Meds. I m off almost all Meds. now except gabapinton, ibuprophen, mirtazapine,and metoprolol. My legs are swelling up with fluid from my knees down my 3x s normal size,extreme pain ecpecially when standing or walking! Told the V.A. clinic Nurse Pract. she told me to stop the cholestorol Med. she had put me on for two weeks then call her. I don t know if I should, or can wait that long for help! I have been trying to elevate, and stay off my feet as much as possible, but I m a single dad, and it s almost impossible! Just wanted to know what a Dr. thinks this may be, and what I should do? Also I know I should go, but in the past our E.R. here is of no help unless you have great ins. I went in not too long algo aftr falling down 3 flights of stairs. My nose was almost directly under my right eye. The E.R. Dr. told me to wait 2 days and ride the van to the V.A. hospital in Little,Rock,Ar. I used 2 bick ink pens to set my own nose. That s why I don t trust the E.R. here! Please just tell me what you think this might be! I will not hold you to an online Diag.(best guess) thanks for your time Tim!