I am a 45 year old female. I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder at the age of 25 and have always maintained my treatment. I had a very stressful job 60+ hours per week for 4 years and quit 1 year ago. I broke my foot and tailbone, causing weight gain and depression in the fall of 2015. I am only 5 feet tall and weigh 145lbs. Over the last year I have become excessively tired (need to nap every day), I cry for no reason, sometimes I giggle at unusual times, I am irritable, I cannot concentrate, I am not productive at work and do not want to do housework or cook. I take 5 mg Lamictal, 200mg Diazepam, and recently began 37.5 mg Phentermine to see if it helps with energy and focus. I m not seeing results in energy or focus and can t get out of bed. I ve been eating a clean diet for 2 months, exercising 3-4 times per week for 30 minutes, including cardio. I cannot lose weight and do not feel better after I work out. I am frequently ill. I catch every cold or contagious airborne disease that I come in contact with. What do I need to do differently?