An episode of Transient Ischaemic attack calls immediate visit to
neurologist.Even if it doesnt cause him pain or he bevomes asymptomatic ,the visit is necessary.
It is because TIA is a sign that stroke can occur at any time.There needs to be certain preventive steps taken after assessing the problem.
Certain investigations will be necessary like carotid arteriography,MRI,blood glucose,
blood lipids,blood pressure measurements,ECG.
Low dose aspirin or clopidogrel therapy is started.
Other medications depend on associated conditions.
surgical options may be considered like putting stent in narrowed arteries.
Presence of medical conditions like
diabetes mellitus contribute to TIA and stroke.
Lifestyle habits like smoking,alcohol,inadequate physical activity are the other risk factors.
So,maientanance of heathy lifestyle is important.
-Healthy diet-High fibre diet with fruits and vegetables.Low
saturated fat and low salt diet recommended.Have Fish atleast 50 gm advised 3 times in a week.
-Moderate physical activity like brisk walking,jogging,cycling,30-45 minutes for 5 days in a week.
-Avoid smoking and alcohol.