Brief Answer:
Antacids combined with diet.
Detailed Answer :
Hello and thank you for your question. Im sorry that your are not getting any relief of your symptoms.
Acid reflux is a condition that needs specific care. An efficcient scheme of treament include a combination of Antacids, a healthy diet and some lifestyle changes/improvemnts.
Ranitidine didnt give you any benefits, id recommend to start a scheme treatment using PPI ( Proton Pomp Inhibitors ): this is a group of medications that reduces the production of gastric acids.
You have to do some changes of your diet. First of all it is recommended
that you eat small portions of meals, and more often than usually during the day. Also you need to avoid foods may trigger
heartburn like spices, fried food, citrus and carbonated drinks.
A good recommended healthy diet include : fruits, vegetables, breads & grains made with low-fat content.
If you smoke you have to quit
smoking. Also caffeine and alchool needs to be cutted down.
A good help also is try to avoid to eat meals late nate before bed time. Try to sleep with two cushions at night.
This are some of my advices about your condition. Please feel free to ask again if you have any further question.
Best regards.