Hi I recently had my thyroid removed just about a month ago. I was found to have 2 large Follicular Adenoma masses. Thankfully no cancer. So my problem has been since January I have been getting large pimples, ingrown hairs,boils,or something all over my face, armpits,back, legs and they are very painful, but never seem to come to a head. They are just red hard and painful and can get up to the size of a dime or can be smaller also. I have not ever had any problems like this before and the doctor says it s just my age 46, and has nothing to do with the thyroid. Is she right? I am just so tired of dealing with the pain from whatever these are, and they come up at the worst times and take weeks to go away. I am definitely a clean person I shower daily, use a high quality moisterizer and watch closely what I use on my skin. I have changed nothing. I have never had these problems before. I have never had medical problems before and this thyroid thing just came up because of an abnormal tsh test. I dont know what to do. What is your opinion? How can I get rid of these things?