Greetings,Language barrier may make it difficult to me to explain few episodes that I encounter last years of my life, but I hope that you ll understand enough to tell me am I having panic/anxiety attacks. Few weeks ago I had meeting with two people who I don t know well. I didn t expect that they ll come both, maybe because of that fact, I was feeling an ashamed. When we sat and make an order, I felt different, unstable, some kind of dizzy, like losing control but I managed it somehow with lot od speaking from my side. Then our drinks came. I remembered few similar occasions when other people were watching at me and made me so nervous that when I was trying to draw near cup of tea my hand was so shaking. I felt that it would come in this situation as well, matter of fact my hand was shaking when I tried to take my cup from the desk. So I gave up and went to restroom, tried to calm it down, rationalise it, called my good friend and tried to talk about something trivial, but it didn t help. I had to come back, but couldn t drink my tea, I couldn t draw it near because of my shaking hand (only when I tried to do so), so I leaved it and managed somehow to get thought that time together but every 5 minutes of that time (2.5 h) I was falling in that strange feeling state in which I was somehow out of control, unstable, feeling little dizzy, unwell, fighting with myself to pull myself all together, get out of it. Otherwise I m in my late 20s, working respectable job, general speaking succesful, not afraid of relationships with people, easy making new connections with others, but evidently have some attacks in the situations when I feel that I m in the center of attention. Sometimes it expresses as a tension im my neck that make it move slightly uncontrolled, so I have to make intentional moves to cover it up. In my psychiatry history I had Burnout sy in my early 20s. If you can explain what am I going throught and what can I do to help myself im those occasions, I would be thankful. Best regards, Alise