You need to consult a surgeon. Tests to evaluate your condition may include:
1. Clinical breast exam. Your doctor checks for changes in your breasts, examining your breasts and the lymph nodes in your lower neck and underarm. Your doctor will likely listen to your heart and lungs and check your chest and abdomen to determine whether the pain could be related to another condition. If your medical history and the breast and physical exam reveal nothing unusual, you may not need additional tests.
Mammogram. If your doctor feels a breast lump or unusual thickening, or detects a focused area of pain in your breast tissue, you'll need an X-ray exam of your breast that evaluates the area of concern found during the breast exam (diagnostic mammogram).
Ultrasound. An ultrasound exam uses sound waves to produce images of your breasts, and it's often done along with a mammogram. You might need an ultrasound to evaluate a focused area of pain even if the mammogram appears normal.
4. Breast biopsy. Suspicious breast lumps, areas of thickening or unusual areas seen during imaging exams may require a biopsy before your doctor can make a diagnosis. During a biopsy, your doctor obtains a small sample of breast tissue from the area in question and sends it for lab analysis.
Treatment: For many women,
breast pain resolves on its own over time. You may not need any treatment. If you do require treatment, your doctor might recommend that you:
1. Eliminate an underlying cause or aggravating factor. This may involve a simple adjustment, such as wearing a bra with extra support.
2. Use a topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medication. You may need to use NSAIDs when your pain is intense. Your doctor may recommend you apply an NSAID cream directly to the area where you feel pain.
3. Adjust birth control pills. If you take birth control pills, skipping the pill-free week or switching birth control methods may help breast pain symptoms. But don't try this without your doctor's advice.
4. Reduce the dose of menopausal
hormone therapy. You might consider lowering the dose of menopausal hormone therapy or stopping it entirely.
5. Take a prescription medication.
Danazol is the only prescription medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating breast pain and tenderness. However, Danazol carries the risk of potentially severe side effects, such as acne, weight gain and voice changes, which limit its use.
Tamoxifen, a prescription medication for
breast cancer treatment and prevention, may be recommended for some women, but this drug also carries the potential for side effects that may be more bothersome than the breast pain itself.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.