Thanks for contacting with your health concern
1. as the symptoms are sudden and getting worse [ fever, headache, photophobia] thus an immediate visit to ER [emergency room] is warranted to exclude
PS. photophobia can also be caused by a
migraine or due to an infection or inflammation that can irritate the eyes.
2. It could be simple
Tension headache but as a routine, I do check the following signs in my patient:
i. check blood pressure.
ii. check sinus tenderness over maxillary & frontal
sinuses and look for any focus of infection in teeth, tonsils, and ears.
iii. check tenderness on the nape of neck or pain on neck movements.
iv. look for any painful/red-eye and [if present] ask for ophthalmologist opinion.
PS. An immediate
Neurologist opinion and C.T. scan [if needed] is required since best treatment is to address the underlying cause.