my 13 year old son has had an ongoing headache for 5 mths. We have seen 2 neurologist, opthamologist, chiropractor, pediatrician, orthodontist. he has had MRI of his head and neck and CT scan of head, blood work and did some PT, that actually increased his discomfort. he has tried numerous medicines, imetrex, maxalt, topamax, propanolol, foricet, naprosyn, voltaren, motrin, excedrin, ice, heat . he has been on homebound from school for 4 mths, he is currently taking Lexapro because he was getting depressed. His headaches started by occuring a day or two a week to one a day but could get some relief from meds to a constant headach with no relief with anything except rest. They never really go away, but will decrease in pain with rest or sleep. As soon as he gets up and starts his daily activities or anything other than just laying around, his head and neck starts to hurt worse. His pain level is usually 5-7, but can get to a 9-10. I have tried everything and I am very frustrated. It breaks my heart. His systolic BP has been elevated and occasionally his diastolic will be elevated, today while in town his head and neck started to get worse and his face was red and he was dizzy with a BP of 178/79. he is 13 5 9 220. He is a big 13 yr old. He was playing football when these onset.