I suffer from intermittent mood fluctuations that vary positive and negative and for minutes or days in length. I have been prescribed various medications from Cymbalta, Syraquil, prozac, trasadone, and others, those take ALL mood away. If it would be a good day they ruin it, on a bad day it s better than being depressed, if one doesn t take it everyday, they don t work correctly. The latest a doctor put me on Lexapro then Venlafaxine, 3 days in, both sent me to the hospital with visual and hearing hallucinations. After I Googled meds, I found it does not interact well with ibuprofin or nalzosin, both of witch I take. It s also for major depression, which I feel is not my diagnosis. The mood swings have gotten worse over the last 35 years, I m now 48, can you please suggest a course of treatment.