Please help! What do I have and how can I fix it? SYMPTOMS: Severe debilitating muscle weakness in arms and legs which have caused my arms not to function and difficulty walking. Consistent pain in my arm muscles and sometimes wrist and ankles. Loss of skin pigment on legs. Minor/moderate Loss of sensory feeling/numbness from the elbow down on both arms. Occasional full body tingling including my face. (usually, this happens in moments of stress) Muscles in arms are sensitive to touch. Heavy metals – Mercury poisoning and high lead Loss of voice Get out of breath when talking for a long time. Occasional itching Candida thyroid is in range but on the large side Historically I ve struggled with anxiety and stress. TESTING: EEG results showed I have partial seizures Nerve conduction testing showed my motor nerves are not working properly, but my sensory nerves are OK. EMG show all muscles in arms and legs are very weak. MRI for brain, cervical, and lumbar spine all show normal. (The images have also been double checked by my neurologist for a second opinion Who also said normal.) Homeopathic evaluation- Prescribed liquid phosphorus, But quit taking it after two weeks without improvement. Thermal scan – showed slightly enlarged thyroid and Candida overgrowth Bio feedback – prescribed a supplement regimen. I ve been following it for 9 days without improvement. A spinal tap is scheduled for Tuesday. I DO NOT HAVE Headaches, neck or lower back pain, and I sleep well. My facial, stomach and back muscles work good. My cognitive function is still Sharp. Fatigue has not been a huge issue so far. I am very happy And i love my life. CURRENT TREATMENT I started chelation in June but stopped temporarily when I was told by a scan it was weakening my kidneys. 45 minutes in an infrared sauna every other day PEMF once a week Colonics twice a week Detox baths B 12 injections once a week Meditation in the mornings Reflexology massage once a week A walk or yoga a couple times a week The supplement regimen suggested from biofeedback test I have tried a couple chiropractic adjustments, cryo therapy and acupuncture without immediate relief. I have tried HGH injections with mild immediate relief. I am on day nine of the auto immune Paleo diet which consist of only green vegetables, olive oil, a small serving of meat a few times a week, and 1 to 2 servings of fruits a day. (No grains, beans, rice, sugar, processed foods, gluten, coffee, vinegar, nuts, seeds, alcohol and rarely eat fish because of the mercury content.) Also, cater food choices to the blood type diet. I am O- POSSIBLE DIAGNOSIS: Multiple sclerosis – confirmed negative Lupus- confirmed negative Stroke – confirmed negative Lyme disease – confirmed negative by One doctor, positive by one doctor, and a maybe from the third. My antibodies tested positive in bloodwork for recent exposure, but the antibodies for long-term exposure tested negative. I did not have any noticeable bug bite or bull s-eye Red markings on my skin Guillian Barre- confirmed unlikely by two doctors, because my symptoms started back in January and have gradually gotten progressively worse instead of the immediate paralysis Guillain barre causes. Multi focal motor neuropathy – an auto immune disorder where are your immune system attacks your nerves. Possible diagnosis, however, this disorder only affects motor nerves and I am having some sensory loss as well. I am having another round of testing on my nerves and muscles tomorrow to double check my sensory nerve function. (EMG and nerve conduction) ALS - possible, but unlikely. Very rare for people under 40 years old. I am 33 TIMELINE: (Symptoms started in January 2017) January – first sign of mild Full body muscle weakness and tingling in fingers February – right leg from the knee down went completely numb on an airplane March – muscle weakness in legs became so great I could not walk for a week. Arms were fully functional except for opening jars. April – minimal numbness and Tingling, muscle weakness significantly improved without any changes or treatments. Walking was Effortless, but still too weak to run. May/June – continued improvement in legs, but arms began to gradually weaken. Loss of skin pigment on legs Started July – towards the end of July Slight and occasional pain began in my arms (in joints and muscles) and muscle weakness started to rapidly Decline in arms August - complete loss of motor movement in left hand and right arm. A rapid decline in muscle strength in legs and arms by the day. Increased pain in the arms. Lost voice. Occasional shortness of breath.