Hello. My name is Sherry. I am 57 years old. I have been diagnosed with rsd/crps in the right elbow;upper right extremely nearly 11 years ago. I have been with the same Pain Management Clinic during this entire time. I ve had several nerve blocks, lots of physical & occupational therapy, way past that point now..I had a sms in for four years and I was one of the unlucky patients that the stimulation aggravated my pain and basically ruined my hand. It was removed. My pain worsed last winter. The pain clinic had been on me to try (again) accupunture which I had in the early years and could not tolerate; it went well in the beginning then it became horribly painful in both arms, then my right shoulder went past a level of ten to 50. I went to a ER; where I learned I have now a torn rotators cuff, another torn muscle, inhidgement impairment? bone spurs..my pm dr. was not happy that I seen a dr. in the er for what he believed to be pain from the rsd. Even tho he had the cat scan report in front of him. He finally relented sent me for a mri. Then next to a ortho who, u guess it; won t touch me. And wasn t nice about it. My question is; I ve been to several industrial commission meeting over a injection the pm wants to give me; I very hesitate. My shoulder is killing me. I was getting injections in my elbow when in the middle of them I was diagnosed w/rsd. Maybe u understand hesitation. The officer at the industrial commission is going by the ortho s order that I shouldn t be under the care of a pm dr. any longer. I m in central Ohio. Is there a specific clinic in Cleveland or closer to Stark County..or should I go to Columbus. My arm scare me now. I have always used it..pm dr. said from the beginning; use it or lose it. And I have. And its deteriated to a point of now the pain of horribly crushing. Thoughts