Hip pain can be treated in many different ways and the treatment is based on the cause of the hip pain. To determine the exact cause of the hip pain, a full history, physical exam and x-rays or an MRI would have to be completed.
Pain due to arthritis is common and is generally worse with activity and improves with rest. X-rays may show a narrowing of the joint space or bony spurs. This type of pain is generally treated conservatively with heat/ice, over the counter
acetaminophen, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen. Further therapy may include an injection of local anesthetic numbing medication and steroid medication into the hip. If the arthritis is very severe, surgery may be indicated.
Pain in the hip can also come from compressed nerves in your spine as they exit the bones (vertebrae) in your back. This type of nerve pain is generally treated with different classes of medications including, but not limited to gabapentin, pregabalin,
duloxetine and
nortriptyline. This type of pain also sometimes responds to epidural steroid injections,
physical therapy and
acupuncture. If the nerve compression is very severe, occasionally surgical intervention is indicated.