I have bad tinnitus. I just learned that the venlafaxine ER can cause tinnitus. My dose is 75 mg. My psychiatrist would not give me the smaller dose so I could taper more easily. The pharmacist said I could take one every other day. I did that for 3 days, now I am off the medicaton two days, taking one day. I figure I will do that twice, then do one day on and 3 days off. So far I haven t noticed any bad side effects. Does this sound reasonable. I have 13 capsules. I am unhappy with this doctor. Previous to this medication, I was on risperdal, and patiently waited till he decided to change my medication while my tinnitus continued to get worse with that medication, I have asked this doctor twice for help. He is a resident psychiatrist. I told them I would not continue this drug, and he did not suggest a different medication. My regular doctor refused to help me also. I am feeling pretty good, using essential oils for depression and going to two support groups. I have been on so many medications that has made my tinnitus worse, I am really sick of all of it. It is not easy to find a good psychiatrist in this town, or I would change. I really don t trust any of them because of past bad doctors. Thank you