In general,
sore throat that caused by
allergy will heal by itself within 3-4 days along with the treatment with your medicines.
To relief the pain including headache you can take
acetaminophen or
ibuprofen. But if after taking the drug there is no change, you should visit the doctor to be given the right treatment.
You should also visit your doctor immediately if you complain about something like this:
1. Your sore throat does not improve for 1 week
2. Have a sore throat several times and do not recover with pain relief
3. A sore throat accompanied by fever for days over 100 degrees F and does not subside with the use of drugs.
Here are some
home remedies that you can try:
1. Consume warm drinks and soft foods during pain.
2. Avoid smoking or inhaling cigarette smoke.
3. Gargle with an antiseptic mouthwash to relieve pain.
4. Adult patients can suck on throat lozenges.
5. Avoid foods / drinks that are too hot / cold because it can cause irritation and aggravate pain.
Get well soon.