Thanks for contacting with your health concern.
1. As you have taken consultation with a local doctor, but still symptoms are worsening, thus next symptom wise approach which you should follow is:
i. An ordinary cough with throat pain [a sore throat] is the commonest symptom seen in general practice, however, you should consult an
ENT specialist who will inspect the throat with a good torch and
tongue depressor to exclude any other pathology. [
laryngitis, and bronchitis]
ii. The choice of antibiotic will vary from doctor to doctor and from locality to locality and as a sore throat has worsened, make sure to adopt certain guidelines till you get an appointment:
- maintain good
oral hygiene, rinse your mouth after every meal, avoid smoking,
tobacco chewing.
- Take mainly
soft diet - rice, chapati, or phulka, with nonspicy vegetables.
- Avoid fried foods like wada, samosa, dosa, pakodas, papad,namkeen and potato chips, avoid hotel food.
. Do not take any cold drinks, cold water, ice cream, chilled food from the refrigerator.
. Avoid sour fruits like citrus fruits, grapes, take sweet fruits- bananas, papaya
. Steam Inhalation and warm salt water gargles.
. Cover the mouth while coughing (using hand or handkerchief) to prevent the spread of infection to other family members.
iii. If a cough worsens or duration increases consult a chest specialist for an immediate chest x-ray and other blood investigations like:
- Hb%, WBC for eosinophilia
- X-ray chest for TB, Pneumonia