history of familiar link malignant melinoma (3.5) from left arm myloma w/ 9th rib resection & partial kidney nephrectomy s/p 15 years. Now with severe pain in spine. weakness tingling weakness left hand wrist. t11 fracture, multiple hemangiomas lower spine. recent pt/ct and body scan bone activity left of neck upper chest wall, wrist bone activity but more in left, left knee and bilateral lower extremeties. after gallbladder removal in oct, severe pain in same area (never had gall bladder pain before surgery it was freak find) but after gallbladder surgery and the ct prior to that last summer, there is a new 7mm right lower hepatic lobe lesion. Mri/ct found new 6mm right iliac bone lesion. Recent severe abdominal edema and lower extremety edema with weakness and fatigue all over. blood test last week when I showed him extreme edema, show high blood calcium, and Absolute Myelocytes 16 and Absolute Metamyelocytes 8 and high anion gap. I am getting the guessing games. also discovered all my children have soft tissue tumor (one of them) and cafe alet spots all shared on upper inner right thigh. Recently at eye exam for me was told, I have unusual vertical and horizontal cafe alet, hyper pigmentation in eyes. cousins now found to have NF3/ I have asthma but my recent shortness of breath is not wheezing, just weak when up right. I have to lay down to breath which I know is not usual. also last year a right posterior communicating artery and an anteriar artery anyrism. Most often I find the results online with electronic records. Most often doctor just says, he did not see concern. since the gall bladder removal, I have gained crazy weight of 60 pounds. doc gave lazics. from head trauma two years ago, eight hour testing showed, left ear 100 percent damaged in functioning and right ear 50. Part of the brain that controls the eyes severe permanant damage. no way to tell if that was from fall as I always had ear issues. multiple omas removed from under tongue, above left ear and to left of thyroid. I feel like they are missing something. I honestly feel my functioning so decreased. Mother breast cancer to brain death. Father very young with a familiar rare for of neck and head cancer. my uncle had multiple growths on lower spine not cancer but became septic after infections from radiation. Cousin, last month thought to have pancreatic issues when they went in found liver cancer. I also in addition to the 7mm growth on liver, have multiple spots. Doctor assumed I am a drinker. I reminded him I am a Mormon and do not drink at all.