I am sorry for the health problems your 8 year old daughter is going through.
Having a bad stomach pain since Saturday night is suggestive of a possible gastrointestinal (GI) problem. It is common for children to get tummy ache especially if they eat something bad or if an acute viral infection is set.
It would be great if you could give more details about her bowel movements, is stool is soft or if she is having diarrhea. In this case, her
pediatrician should be consulted to prevent
Headache has many causes; you say she suffers of migraines. I need to stop here and ask if you have visited her with
neurologist to confirm her migraine.
Usually, acute viral infections are associated with headaches. Stress, studies overload are to consider together with her emotional status and her personal character.
But first, should exclude organic causes through stool examination, abdominal ultrasound and a
complete blood count.
Until you see her pediatrician, I advise to :
- give her plenty of fluids
- let her rest more
- give
paracetamol or ibuprofen to ease her pain
- give baby gripe mixture for tummy ache
- give probiotics to stabilize her intestinal flora
Wish fast recovery.