Thank you for your query.
Yes, I believe you are developing a
throat Infection.
I recommend :
-Gargle with dissolvable
aspirin (325 mg or 300mg in a glass of water. Spit it out after Gargling. Do not swallow. Do this thrice a day.
-drink warm fluids only. Avoid anything cold
-steam inhalations with eucalyptus oil or
Vicks vapor rub thrice a day.
-if you develop a fever (motion may mask fever), see your doctor to check for signa of bacterial infection.
-keep your environment moist & comfortably warm especially when you sleep.
Wrap a cotton cloth around you ears, throat and lightly cover nose and mouth to keep breathing warm air. You could use a face mask and scarf instead.
Check your temperature before
ibuprofen. Stop it is your pain subsides with aspirin (do not swallow this).
If you don't have runny nose or
sneezing, stop
Claritin as it dries up secretions and can make it difficult to get rid of mucus. Talk to you doctor before this, especially if you have
asthma or other allergic issues.
As mentioned above, if you develop a fever more than 101 f or symptoms persist more than 3 days or worsen, see your doctor right away.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Wish you good health