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white spots on tonsils could be a sign of strep. throat,mononucelosis, or other contagious disease [bacterial or viral]
2. It is a normal process of body that whenever tonsils try to fight the infection, they swell and produce white pus, so apart from excluding strep. throat, one should exclude
infectious mononucleosis,
oral thrush [yeast infection of mouth] and get examined by an ENT Physician.
PS. as the nerves which supply the back of throat also go to the ear thus may be the cause of earache] unless proved otherwise.
3. treatment will depend upon the cause of white spots, till then one can follow the universal general measures:
. saline water gargles
. taking/drinking warm fluids without caffeine [maintain adequate hydration]
. avoiding environmental pollutants [smoke/exhaust,dust]
. use a humidifier [if throat is dry] i.e. adequate rest and stay in warm environment