Thanks for contacting with your health concern
1. Medical termination of
pregnancy laws is not the same for all healthcare practitioners. It remains the same even for any system of Medicine. Accordingly, the
MTP [medical termination of pregnancy] Act defines the place, person and the conditions under which a pregnancy can be terminated.
PS. Under the act,
abortion can be provided only by a registered medical practitioner who has the necessary qualification, training, and experience in performing MTP and only at a place which has the facilities, meeting standards specified in the Rules and Regulations of the MTP Act.
2. It is illegal and unethical to try abortion through an internet search and web information. Moreover, abortion is associated with serious complications, a few even life-threatening ones. Therefore I do recommend all my patients to follow up with the treating doctor during and after the procedure even doctor has to establish the following facts before and after the procedure:
i. Whether he/she is empowered to perform MTP.
ii. The age of the fetus [opinion of the second doctor.]
iii. Was the product of conception evacuated completely?
PS. Without an opportunity to physically examine the patient and monitor the process of termination, it is very unsafe and unethical on my part to suggest you the measures. So please visit your healthcare provider for safe termination.