Hello Doctor, My wife is 30.5 Weeks pregnant, Today on regular checkup visit doctor said she is having Vaginal Infection and baby is came down than normal and said CX is 25 MM(I dnt know what does it mean) , The doctor has prescribed Tab NF 10 Tab Metrogyl 400 Tab Azee 500 Tab Clinasure Vag & Inj Proluton Depot 500 (today 1 and 1 every week till completion of 36th week) What we are worring about is, is it okay to take Proluton Depot 500 to take till 36th week of pregnancy, Wont this Injection prevent the normal labour pain which has to occur for normal child birth, If we take this Injection chances are high for Cesarean Delivery? Please Guide We are really worried. Thank You.