Hello dear
I understand your concern
Your symptoms could be due to vaginal yeast infection.
Yeast is a fungus that normally lives in the vagina in small numbers.
A vaginal yeast infection means that too many yeast cells are growing in the vagina and infection is very common.
It is easily treated by proper medicine
yeast can grow too much and cause symptoms.
Improper hygiene, antibiotic use,
diabetes, tight clothing, pure immunity increase the risk of infection.
I would suggest to consult gynecologist and undergo vaginal examination, vaginal swab test and KOH mount to confirm cause.
Following treatment will help you:
Vaginal suppository of clingen and lactobacilllus will help to treat
Oral fluconazole
Application of vagisil cream
Wash vagina with warm salted water and then apply apple cidar vinegar
Both the partners should have the treatment simultaneously
Avoid douching and perfumed soap and cosmetics
Wear pure cotton loose inner and maintain hygiene.
Avoid excessive sweet in diet.
Drink plenty of water, eat healthy diet and do regular exercise.
Take proper treatment of diabtes.
Hope this may help you
Contact further if follow up needed
Best regards
Dr. Sagar