28 year old white female. Smoker. I work at a doctors office, and this past summer decided to get some labs & xrays for some off & on joint pain I have been having in my Rt hip & L shoulder blade, ( normally once or twice a month, relieved almost always with ALieve,ect..) I have had off & on pain in my Rt Hip since I was a teenager. I had a CCP,CRP,& an RA drawn. My RA came back elevated at 19.5 & CRP was 15.1, & ccp normal. This past week I had a Sed Rate,ANA, & all the other tests I had drawn before done again. My Sed rate was 45! Now the CCP & ANA have not come back yet, but the CRP had gone down to within normal limits & RA is up to 21. What does all this possibly mean??