How to Tell the Difference Between a Normal Sore Throat and Strep Throat? I ve had a sore throat for the past three days. Other than a stuffy nose, I don t have any other cold symptoms. My throat hurts primarily on the left side. I m able to eat, swallow, and talk. During the day, my throat seems better. But at night it gets worse and I wake up with a scratchy and dry throat all over again. Several years ago I had a sore throat and went to the doctor to get it checked for strep. The doctor somewhat scolded me for asking for a strep test for something that was obviously (to her) not strep throat. My gut instinct is that what I have now isn t strep either, but I still worry. How can I distinguish between a sore throat that s nothing to worry about vs. one that is? As an FYI, I m in my early 50s, otherwise healthy, no tonsils, and have been treating this with echinacea/elderberry tea and oil of oregano drops so far.