my name meeran.1.04.2011 i took thyroid test. the report says t3,t4,ft3,ft4,are normal.tsh level mild elevated. that level is 7.21. i consult docotor he given eltroxin25 mg od before food. i cibtinue tabelet 5daysno problem.but 6th day i suferred gideness, mild chest pain. again i go to dr i told my problem. dr says again u atke thyrpid test take. adter 3 days i take thyroid test all comes 2 normal. tsh comes to 4.25.again i go meet dr.he says u dont take eltroxin. i stoped eltroxin 5months. first 2 month no problem 3rd month i sufferd mildly voice noice changed. i gp meet drdr sayas every six month once u must take thyroid test.and u follow up eltoxin tab 25 mg tablet 5/7 if tsh comes more than i take tr test it comes more than 7 less than 12 maintaim past 3 years. during i take eltroxin first 4 days np prob,after 4th day produce gideness,mild chest pain. so i take eltroxn continueosly or stoped. can i take alt medu (ebexid) i waiting for u r suggetion my mobile no 0000