Over the last few weeks, I have lost my voice twice and have had breathing/chest problems, throat and ear infection and severe pain. i have felt unwell for 3-4 weeks. currently I feel extremely tired, burning eyes, itchy scalp and face, a bit of a rash on my hands. When I get up and go about my business, after a while i feel nasaeueous, with a strange taste in my mouth - I feel exhausted and have to rest for 1-2 hours. I have had 2 antibiotics (amoxyicillan 250 and clarithmaritin. I thought i might be having an allegeric reaction to the antibiotics which was making me feel so unwell - but I finished the second one last sunday - so it should be out of my system by now. I just cannot shake it or get feeling better - I am beginning to think it is throid or something else because although I am up and about to an extent, I am so weak and generally feel unwell