Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... recently got tested for hiv. The ELA test came back reactive but the Western blot test came back indeterminate. I've been with this person for 5 months now I think its him that gave it to me. The way the doctors explained it that there were antibodies found. Does that mean it was a recent exposure? I got tested when I was 20 in 2007, and it came back negative. After that I slept with 4 people from 2007 to january, 19, 2010..so my question is, if I was infected by one of those 4 people from 2007, and now..would the test definitely have come back fully positive with no indeterminate issues? Since my results came back the way they did..does that mean my recent partner exposed me? because if I contracted it before him then it would have 3,4 years to develope right?