i have severe pco for more thaan 8yrs.got married 10 months ago and still not able to conceive. and my weight was 74 before marriage now its 91 . i am not able to lower my weight atall .when went to doctor c told that i am having cyst in my left ovary measuring 2.5mm and gave me ovarl l pills. my first question is after i stop the pill after how many days will i get my periods.will periods come by own because i have irregular periods. my 2nd question is can i get pergnant ??? and wat are the procedure for it.my husband sperm count is 108 million ,motility -90%. and i have 15-20 small follices in right ovary and 15-18 follices in left ovary. fsh-5.61 ml ,LH-7.57 ml, PROLACTIN -11.80ng, amh-8.57 ng, vit d -8.88 ng. can i get pregnant with this can i become a mom doctor